Lourdes Inquicker

Lourdes asked us to develop a video online for them that could be advertised to college students for their new product on their site, Inquicker, which allows students to make appointments on their site and spend less time in the waiting room. Their competitor UHS was gathering more college students as their hospitals were closer to the campus. However, a big complaint students had about UHS was how long they stayed in the waiting room at their hospitals. Lourdes needed more awareness about their new product to take advantage of this weakness UHS had. 

When Lourdes approached for us to do the video I wrote the script, directed and acted in it and were able to get it approved for paid media campaigns on Facebook and YouTube.

The commercial has two roommates in the living room where one is playing video games while the other is lying sick on the couch. When the third roommate shows up, he wonders why the sick roommate hasn't been brought to the doctor. The roommate playing video games claims he will as he has made an appointment on the Lourdes Inquicker website. Curious, he continues exclaiming that this works out for everybody so this way they "can spend less time in the waiting" and more time playing video games. The third roommate embraces this and asks for the other controller to play video games. 

I believe this video would do well amongst college students as the story applies to many college students: relaxing, playing video games and not having to stay in the waiting room.


Street Photography | NYC | 2018-2021